Prediction & ML

Data Science Projects

Predictions offer the possibility to fine-tune marketing activities and to target budgets more effectively. Conversion or churn probabilities, predictions regarding cross-selling potential and lifetime value predictions. Depending on the question, various machine learning algorithms are used, such as random forest classification, to look into the future. The models and the activation are implemented with the Google Cloud.

Arrow Right Sales Forecast 
Arrow Right Conversion Probability 
Arrow Right Churn Prediction 
Arrow Right Lifetime Value Prediction 

Project Plan

Arrow Right Simple Scoping and detailed project planning 
Arrow Right Simple Ensuring data availability 
Arrow Right Simple Data quality check and data preparation 
Arrow Right Simple Exploratory data analysis 
Arrow Right Simple Application of machine learning algorithms 
Arrow Right Simple Model evaluation and optimization 
Arrow Right Simple Model deployment in the cloud 
Arrow Right Simple Setup of a monitoring dashboard 
Arrow Right Simple Final workshop and activation