GA4 Item Scoped Custom Dimensions

2023-04-25 | Article | Insights

Google Analytics 4 has recently introduced the feature "item scoped dimensions." This was already available in Universal Analytics and it's now part of GA4. This feature allows you to collect additional information about the items that users interact with on your website or mobile app. In this article, we will explore the importance of implementing item-scoped dimensions in Google Analytics 4 and how it can benefit your business.

What are item-scoped dimensions in Google Analytics 4?

Item-scoped dimensions are custom dimensions that can be applied to individual items, giving you the possibility of collecting additional information about each item that a user interacts with. These new custom dimensions can include item color, size, material, availability, or any other attribute that is relevant to your business.

In contrast to traditional custom dimensions, which are applied at the event level, item-scoped dimensions are applied at the item level. This means that each item can have its own set of custom dimensions, which allows you to analyze and understand the performance of each item in greater detail.

Why are item-scoped dimensions important?

Item-scoped dimensions can provide valuable insights into the performance of individual items, bringing you a new perspective on your reports and dashboards. Here are some of the key benefits of implementing this feature:

  1. Understand user behavior at the item level: With item-scoped dimensions, you can gain a deeper understanding of how users interact with individual items and by collecting data on item-specific attributes such as color or sizer, you can analyze user behavior and identify patterns or trends that may not be visible at the aggregate level.
  2. Improve product performance: By analyzing the performance of individual items, you can identify opportunities to improve your product offerings. For example, you may discover that certain categories or colors are more popular than others, or that certain price points are more effective at driving conversions.
  3. Personalize user experiences: Item-scoped dimensions can also help you personalize the user experience. By collecting data on user preferences, such as preferred color or size, you can tailor product recommendations or promotions to individual users.
  4. Optimize marketing campaigns: By understanding the performance of individual items, you can also optimize your marketing campaigns. For example, you may discover that certain items perform better with specific audiences or channels, which can help you allocate your marketing budget more effectively.

How to implement item-scoped dimensions in Google Analytics 4?

Implementing item-scoped dimensions in Google Analytics 4 is a relatively simple process. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Define your item-scoped dimensions: Before you can implement item-scoped dimensions, you need to define the custom dimensions that you want to collect. These dimensions should be relevant to your business and provide insights into the performance of individual items.
  • Update the Google Analytics 4 measurement code: To collect data on item scoped dimensions, you need to add the new custom information inside the items object of your dataLayer push or in your page source code as in the example below:

items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      price: 9.99,
      quantity: 1,
      item_cd_color: "Green",
      item_cd_size: "XXL",
      item_cd_material: "Leather"

  • Send data to Google Analytics: Once you have implemented the measurement code, you can start sending data to Google Analytics. To collect data on item-scoped dimensions, you will need to include the custom dimension values in your data payload. If you are using GTM and the option "Send Ecommerce data" is enabled, as the image below shows, the information will automatically be added to your GA4 hit. Remember that the variable name of your dataLayer push has to be the same as your parameter name linked to the newly created item-scoped custom dimension.
  • Analyze your data: Once you have collected data on item-scoped dimensions, you can analyze it in Google Analytics 4. This will allow you to gain insights into the performance of individual items and identify opportunities to improve your product performance.


Item-scoped dimensions are a powerful feature in Google Analytics 4 that can provide valuable insights into the performance of individual items on your website or mobile app. By collecting data on item-specific attributes, you can better understand user behavior, improve product performance, personalize users, create better audiences, and push your reports and dashboards to a new level.

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