GA4 How to set Custom Funnels

2023-07-11 | Article | Insights

Visualise and analyse your customer journey

By using custom funnel reports, you can analyse the steps that users take to accomplish a task and assess the number of users who abandon the process at each stage. This data can help you enhance your website or app by identifying and addressing inefficiencies or journeys that are frequently abandoned.

How custom funnels work

In order to use the custom funnels you first need to build it using funnel explorations. First, you need to build a funnel exploration and save the exploration as a funnel report. This way, the exploration is treated as the template to build the report. Google Analytics will dave the built funnel report to your library. From this report library you are able to add the funnel report to your main navigation to easily access the report.

Create a funnel report and add it to your GA4 standard reports

Here is a detailed explanation on how to create the funnel report:

  1. Navigate to the Explore section in Google Analytics 4.
  2. Open or create a funnel exploration.
  3. Click on "Save as a report in the Library" in order to save the exploration as a report.
  4. Enter the name of the report and a description if needed.
  5. Click "Save".

Add the report to your navigation

The next step it to add the report to your navigation:

  1. Below the saved exploration, click on “View report in library”.
  2. Move to the collections section and select “Edit collection” below the collection where you want to add the report.

  1. Now in "Drag reports to create a collection", you find the funnel report.
  2. Drag the funnel report from the card and drop it under a topic and click save.

Re-create a funnel exploration from the report

For the case the original exploration, which is the basis of the funnel report was deleted, you can open the funnel report in Explore to recover the exploration:

  1. In the funnel report, click “Add comparison” above the report.
  2. On the right, click “Explore”.

Analysing the funnel

Analysing the funnel includes examining abandonment rates, completion rates and funnel steps. Further, you need to consider whether it was an open or a closed funnel.

  • Abandonment rate: It shows the percentage of users who you retained between the current step and the next step in a funnel. The abandonment rate appears below each bar that has a next step in the funnel.
  • Completion rate: This is the opposite of the abandonment rate. It refers to the percentage of users who came from the previous step. The header of the next step shows the completion rate.
  • Open funnel: Shows data for users who enter at any step in the funnel.
  • Closed funnel: Shows data for users who enter at the first step in the funnel.

In case you are viewing an open funnel, you see stacked bars in the funnel. The top bar shows the number and percentage of users who started the funnel at the current step. The bottom bar shows the number and percentage of users who continued from the previous step.

You can also use the table below the bar chart to further analyse data and segment it by dimensions. You can zoom in and out of the bar chart for a more detailed view and adjust the default 28-day date range using the drop-down menu in the top right of the report. To view the funnel steps you can click on “View funnel steps”. Please note that you cannot change the steps or condition in the funnel from here.


You can create up to 200 custom reports per property. A funnel exploration cannot be saved as a report if:

  • The funnel includes dimensions, metrics or operators that aren't supported by reports.
  • A trended funnel was used.
  • Segments are applied in the segment comparisons column.
  • More than 5 filters are applied in the filter column.
  • A filter has a condition that is not supported by reports.

Once a funnel exploration is saved as a report any changes that are made to the exploration do not affect the report.

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